i'm sure i'm the last person in the country to find out about this...
i can't even claim to have found it myself...my love arrived home with it last night as a surprise, he knew i would love it, and he was so right...
and speaking of wonderful...
lisa recently posed a question about why we blog...
the sticky-beak in me has always loved those photos that you sometimes see in magazines, the ones that reveal the things people carry around in their handbags...
i love the notion that the things we carry with us create a snapshot of who we are at a particular moment in time...
i love that sometimes it's the things we leave out that say even more...
i love that our blogs are a snapshot of our lives and i do so admire those who eloquently share the daily details...
i love that though i am not so brave, just to be here is enough...
i love this community that so generously provides such wonderful inspiration and an opportunity to reflect on and engage in the creative process...
i love that this blog is a place i can call my very own, one that exists regardless of what might be happening in my daily existence...

i love that i have this snapshot of myself, here and now...
(even if it is a little blurry around the edges)
i've spent a fair bit of time in the few last weeks drooling over this book that arrived just after christmas...

so many wonderful creations fill it's pages, it's all very inspiring and also led me here...
as boo boo would say...
from nichola, the best fruit cake i have ever had in my life...

and this is all that remains of the lavender & mint shortbread and lemon curd that alison sent a few weeks ago, quite simply sublime...

thank-you for your delightful parcels, they have so brightened our days...